Every Day I Want To Get Faster And Stronger.
I Want To Be A Better Athlete Than I Was Yesterday.
Meet Mahesh Mangaonkar. He started his career by winning the British Junior Open in 2009, went on to win a gold medal for India at the 2014 Asian Games, and now... he’s ready to challenge you.
Raise your game with squash training from one of the world’s top players. Book a lesson to improve your technique – or join a class to train for stamina. We have opportunities for individuals, couples, colleagues and kids to benefit from world-class squash training. Based in Helsinki’s finest squash facility, our training is delivered by a professional athlete who is ranked in the world’s top 50. Are you ready for this?
Squash burns 1,000 calories per hour – it’s an exceptional full-body workout, and winning gives you a buzz! Join the HSRC club – Helsinki’s most popular squash club – for twice-weekly sessions and discover why so many adults love improving their fitness on the court.
Mahesh Mangaonkar ranks in the top 50 of the PSA World Tour. He’s won the British Junior Open (2009), IMET Open (Bratislava, 2013), Asian Games (2014/18) and Indian National Championships (2018/19) – scooping no less than 8 PSA World Tour titles.
“I grew up on hard work. I learned that anything worth accomplishing wasn’t given... it was earned. Hard work is putting in the time even if you don’t have it. Hard work is being disciplined and staying focused. You don’t make excuses you don’t complain. You just roll up your sleeves and get it done. Every day I want to get faster, smarter and stronger. I want to be a better athlete than what I was yesterday.”